Friday, October 5, 2018

Idea Napkin No. 1

1. Who am I? My name is Sean Pruitt, and I am a senior advertising student at the University of Florida. I have worked in the customer service industry since high school and have experience in ticketing software from working at the performing arts centers. I also have experience in digital design software like Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects, and Premiere Pro.

As for aspirations in life, I plan to join the Air Force as a Public Affairs Officer after graduation. I'm also looking into working as a freelance graphic artist/editor as another form of income post-graduation. It is important to me to maintain the skills that I have learned through my major so I can stay competitive in the market.

I have experience of working with ticketing software from working at the performing arts center and what to expect when it comes to working with customers of the performing arts center. The service I proposed was for the Gator Student Ticketing Office to implement a feature in their software that can help track lost or stolen football tickets during the season.

2. What: The service that I am proposing is a new feature for the ticketing software that exists for the ticket office at the football stadium. The feature would involve scanning the tickets into the student's account upon picking them up with their accompanying student ID card. Once the tickets have been scanned by the employees at the office, the tickets would be "linked" to the ID card where they could be tracked if they are lost or stolen while on campus.

3. Who: The primary demographic of this service would be students that either has season tickets for the football season or students that regularly attend football games. Not only are these students buying for themselves, but they are also guest ticket purchasers as well. The most important characteristic the demographics have is that they have lost a ticket in the past or have concerns about losing a ticket in the future. They also want to avoid having to repurchase a ticket if they were to lose their already claimed ticket.

4. Why: The service is valuable to the consumer because they will be able to retrieve a lost or stolen ticket without having to repurchase another ticket for the football game. They will save money because they won't have to purchase another ticket that will probably not be near their friends or family. Not only will the students benefit, but guests that are coming with the student will avoid being out-of-luck if they were to lose their ticket because they would have to purchase another one too.

5. Core competencies: I believe what sets this service apart from others is that the service for the ticketing office doesn't exist yet. The only option that exists for students that have tickets lost or stolen in the past and had to repurchase them through the ticketing office. The ticketing office lacks the feature in their software to be able to provide this service and the unmet need exists for many students that attend football games throughout the season.

I believe the core competencies fit together fairly well when it comes to this concept. There is an unmet need that requires a service to fix it for the ticketing office. The solution I am proposing is able to easily solve the issue many students and guests have when dealing with the ticketing office for football games during the season. However, I think the biggest issue with the service concept is that I don't have to skillset to develop the actual software feature that could solve the unmet need and if it will be worth it for the ticketing office to retrain staff and procedure changes when handing out tickets. Not only that, but it could be an expensive task that doesn't see any monetary return towards the ticketing office at the football stadium.


  1. Sean,

    I am enjoying seeing your progress in the development of your idea. I have been intentional in reading and commenting on the majority of your posts because I am very interested to see how you continue to develop your idea.

    If you do choose to actually pursue this entrepreneurial venture, networking of people will be a great asset to you. Often, its not what you know but who you know. As you stated, you do do not have the skill-set to develop the actual software feature that could solve this unmet need. Perhaps by networking, you could build a relationship with someone who could partner with you in this entrepreneurial venture.

  2. Sean,
    You touched on many great points throughout the duration of this post. I think your demographic segment for this unmet need is a great choice for the product you are developing. This segment will probably be the biggest portion of your customers. You also made a great point when you mentioned that the service doesn't exist yet. Great analysis and post!

  3. Great job on using a prominent unmet need to start up a business plan! You touched on all the necessary criteria to build a foundation of starting your business. Solving this unmet need of having access or the option to replace misplaced football tickets would be a great feature for your target market (students throughout the university). I also enjoyed how you make the solution to this need sweet and simple; game days are usually very fast paced so the solution must take these environmental factors into consideration. I am sure with your experience and networking with those who have the ability to establish this software/plan, you will not only be able to implement your business plan but be successful as well. Good luck!
