Friday, October 5, 2018

Figuring Out Buying Behavior No. 1

The Segment: 

The segment I selected for the interviews was students that were season-ticket holders that have either lost their own ticket or lost a guest ticket they have purchased.

The Interviewees: 

Matt, a 19-year-old Journalism major that I met through a previous writing class.

Larissa, a 21-year-old pre-occupational major that I work with at the performing arts center at the university.

Jonah, a 22-year-old political science major that I met through my foreign language class for my major.

The Need Awareness:

It was easy to find people that I could potentially interview with the number of students on campus that have season tickets for the football games. However, it was a little difficult to find those that have either lost their own ticket or a guest ticket prior to a football game. Luckily, I was able to find them through my contact list from previous classes that I had in the past.

All three of the interviewees mentioned that they have this unmet need because they have all lost a ticket at least once whether it was one of theirs or a guest ticket they purchased during the week. Matt actually lost his Florida-Georgia ticket he purchased two weeks before the game and had to repurchase a ticket for the game because of the ticketing office inability to track it. The interviewees stated that the only time where the unmet need applies is during the season and after they have picked up their tickets the week before the game. Usually, they experience it when they are on campus as that is where they all lost their tickets in the past. They mentioned that sometimes don't store them properly and they either fall out of their pocket or left on a table and are usually gone when they try to go back for them.

The Information Search:

When I asked them what they usually do right after they lose their ticket, they try to retrace their steps on where they have been between when they picked up their ticket and when they lost it. After that, they either try to go online to the ticketing office website or call them to ask them what can they do since they lost their ticket. Larissa lost a ticket on campus with her friends and asked them if they could help her find it. The interviewees usually end up either buying a new ticket online through the ticketing office on Friday or through a Facebook group dedicated to selling claimed and unclaimed tickets.

The Findings and Conclusion:

Compared to my past interviews about this topic, they were pretty similar to other students that have lost a ticket in the past. A lot of the information was similar to other students in what they do when they lose a ticket. They recognize that this need really needs to be addressed by the ticketing office because they don't think it's "fair" that the only solution they have available to them is to buy another ticket or not attend the game. The solution I proposed to them received positive feedback from all the interviewees and wish it was in place for the future.


  1. Sean,

    As you noted, it was difficult for you to find people, whom have lost a ticket. Although you did find three people, you specifically selected them because you knew they had experienced this "unmet need."

    If you had interviewed three random people, there is a good chance that none of them have ever lost a ticket and do not see the need for your services.

    Although not a huge percentage of people lose their tickets, the actual number of people who lose their tickets in a football season is fairly high. This does remind us that the need is still their.

    Your solution to the problem is a one time expense for the UF Student Ticketing Office to purchase and is a long-term solution for this problem.

  2. Sean,
    I like that you used your contacts from previous courses to find individuals who have endured this unmet need. As you stated, it may be difficult to run into a random individual who has lost their ticket but this doesn't mean that there isn't a number of people who have lost their ticket. Also, it was interesting to hear about the steps most people take once they realize that they have lost their ticket. Your solution could really benefit these individuals.
