Friday, October 19, 2018

What's your Secret Sauce?

My Unique Human Capital

1. Adaptability - I am good at adapting in any situation that is presented to me. If a problem or hindrance pops up that forces me to change how I do things, I can quickly adapt to the problem and figure out a workaround to it without delay. This allows me to work in fast-paced environments that require a lot of moving parts and for the person to be able to change on the fly without much notice.

2. Determination - When I aim to accomplish an objective or task that is presented to me, I put my all in for it to accomplish the task. This allows me to stand out from others by showing that I am committed to what I am doing and aiming to get it done efficiently, but also correctly.

3. Perfectionist - When it comes to tasks, objectives, or anything that I am working on, I go above and beyond to make sure that it is able to compete with others around me. I strive to be the best out of everyone else, and I continuously aim to fully utilize the potential that I have when working on a project.

4. Dependability - When others are counting on me, I make sure to work for them like I am working for myself in the professional world. I want others to view me how I want to view myself in the world. I will make sacrifices for others that I am working with to meet a deadline or that a project is above normal standards when it is due. I work with others better than most can as I don't want to be seen as the weak link of the team.

5. Humble - I always tell myself that I need to stay grounded in the world because I am no better than anyone else in the world. However, by telling myself that I'm not better than this person or that person, it pushes me to try to be better than them. I don't see myself on top of the world and continuously try to improve myself, but others around me so they can grow alongside me.

The Interviews

Interview with my one of my best friends, Alex.

Alex spoke about how I am one of the nicest people he's ever met, a hard-worker, and outgoing but also quiet too. He also talked about my technological skills with computers and how I am crafty and artistic when accomplishing tasks.

Interview with another one of my best friends, Nathan.

Nathan mentioned that I am hard-worker with the drive to do things. He also mentioned that I am one of the smarter people in our group of friends and acts as a ringleader for our group of friends and dispels confusion in it. He also mentioned that I am helpful towards others and I am always giving 100% in any task.

Interview with another one of my best friends, Coal.

Coal said that I was the most-welcoming person of our group of friends and made sure to include him (Coal) in our activities. Coal also said that I have the motivational skills to be a leader and the dedication to getting tasks done.

Interview with my father, David.

My dad said I'm a determined and focused person, but I am also willing to listen to others and hear their side to a situation. He also talked about how discipline I am and was able to make the right decisions to benefit me. My dad also mentioned that I am even-tempered and have the ability to remain calm in situations. He also said that I am able to see how things really are and not show animosity towards others in situations.

Interview with my mother, Kim.

My mom mentioned that she saw in me is that I am an even-tempered person and didn't allow things to affect me in stressful situations. She also said I am cooperative with others when asked to do things as long as they were in-line with my beliefs. She said I am a team-player as well through my experience with football and soccer. She also mentioned that I am inquisitive and I wanted to know how everything worked to understand how the situation like when I had my shoulder surgery. 


When comparing a lot of the characteristics that I used to describe myself and what others had to say about me, I see a lot of similarities from what people said with how I described myself, but also some differences. A lot of people mentioned that I am determined with everything that I do and that I work hard to make sure it is the best that it can be. Some also said that I can be relied upon by others showing my dependability when working together in a team. When I go back and listen to what the interviewees had to say about me, I can recognize almost everything they say applies to me as a person or what my human capital is. I think they were correct with how they thought of me along with how I thought of myself in the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Sean,
    All of the attributes that you mentioned are great skills to have. I also try my best to be a very adaptable person. You never know how or when the environment or situation is going to change and if you can react quickly, this can be helpful to you. Being humble is also an amazing trait to have. Anything in life can be taken away from you at any time and it is essential not to take anything in life for granted. Great job on this post!
