Friday, October 26, 2018

Create a Customer Avatar

Image pulled from this link.

Image pulled from this link.

My "customer avatar" would qualify as an undergraduate student that is in-between the ages of 18 to 21 or 22 years old that has lost a ticket to a university sporting event like football, basketball, baseball, and other sports. As I am also a student that enjoys attending sporting events like football and basketball, I have also lost one of my tickets after claiming it from the Gators Student Ticketing Office on campus. We have all gone through the same process with trying to see if the ticketing office was able to print it off again, but have been stuck with the other solutions like buying a new ticket through the office or through the Facebook group for selling and buying tickets for sporting events.

My "customer avatar" can be considered very diverse with the different amount of people that attend football games. However, I believe roughly 60-70% of them are invested into some health and fitness routine or program as that is becoming a growing hobby among the younger generation that attend university. I would consider only a few of them are married, mainly the upper portion of my audience, and slim chance of any of the customer audience having children at this point in their lives. When it comes to the male demographic of my avatar, I believe that they are sport fanatics and are well-versed in different sports from the university like baseball and basketball. They are also likely to invested into the sports atmosphere in general involving different schools around the country. As for the female demographic, I believe they attend sporting events in support of the university and as social events with their friends and family at university. I believe that a few that are invested into sports outside what is offered by the university.

Another characteristic that my customer avatar possibly have is that they are stressed and busy college students that are faced with the challenge of living their lives, attending classes and preparing themselves for a future after college. This can lead into them being forgetful and/or have the tendency to misplace items like football or basketball tickets.

I think when it comes to political stance in government, I think with them being college students they generally lean more liberal than they do conservative. A lot of young adults that attend university tend to lean towards the democratic party and recognize who they are interested in voting for and who they aren't. I believe that there is a minority of conservative supporters that fall within the target audience, but the overwhelming majority is on the left side of the political spectrum.

As for me, I have a lot in common with my customer avatar because I am a 22-year-old student that enjoys attending sporting events like football and basketball. I have also lost a ticket prior to a game like they have and went through the recovery process. As for political spectrum, I am middle-of-the-road when it comes to it, but I tend to lean to the left of the spectrum. I don't think it is a coincidence that I have a lot of similarities with my customer avatar. I just think it's a common scenario for a lot of people to fall into it.


  1. Sean,

    Have you considered that your customer avatar may not be those whom attend football games? Perhaps it is the actual ticket booth or university to whom you would be selling your product/system. Although students may be getting use out of your product, they may not be the actual customers of your product.

    I decided to give this feedback as a sort of "curve ball." I am curious how you will react to this feedback.

  2. Sean,
    You went into extensive detail about the characteristics and hobbies of your customer avatar. I also agree that your customer avatar can be considered very diverse as there are a plethora of individuals who attend football games and sporting events. The stress and complexity of a college schedule is also an important trait that your customer avatar possesses. This can be one of the primary reasons for students losing or forgetting their ticket somewhere. Great analysis!

  3. Sean,
    Great job on specifying your target market, their extensive needs to fulfill, and major characteristics that will fit your service best. Since your service is inspired by your own personal unmet need, it's interesting how you choose your intended market. I think you are on the right path in researching various segments and should continue this research by possibly interviewing your prototypical customers; analyzing through such methods will help you refine your service and produce the best possible results.
    Good luck!
