Thursday, September 27, 2018

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

As a continuation of earlier posts about the opportunity available when it comes to the Gator Student Ticketing Office and the unmet need of students that have their tickets for football games lost or stolen, I decided to interview five more students about the situation.

Four of the five participants were students that don’t buy seasons tickets for the football season. Two of them mentioned that they usually buy unclaimed or leftover tickets from the ticketing office on Friday’s before a home game and usually buy them in a group of people. They mentioned that they usually store their tickets in a card slot on the back of their phone cases, so they aren’t prone to losing them before the game. They mentioned the system seems like a good idea, but it wouldn’t mean much to them as they haven’t ever lost a ticket in the past and usually keep them in secure places right after picking the ticket up from the office. One student said that he usually buys tickets that were already claimed by students but are trying to sell them online through Facebook groups or private messaging. He said that the new software wouldn’t affect him because the ticket never originally belonged to him so they wouldn’t be able to track it down and reprint it for him. The fourth student I decided to interview doesn’t regularly attend football games and she didn’t see that she had an unmet need for the system at the ticketing office.

The last student I interviewed said that her parents are graduates from the University of Florida and season ticket holders for the football games, so she usually sits with them at home and away games instead of sitting in the student section. She has bought tickets through the ticketing office and sat in the student section before for football games but finds the alumni seating in the stadium a much more enjoyable experience for the game. She said that this system wouldn’t really mean much to her as she rarely interacts with the student ticketing office.

I think when it comes to this opportunity for the Gator Student Ticketing Office, I think it is limited to regular buyers and season ticket holders of football tickets among students. This system isn’t really offering a product or service but adding a feature to an already existing service that is meant to solve the unmet need that a lot of students might be facing during the football season.

Inside the Boundary:
Who – Students that regularly buy tickets or season ticket holders
What – The need for a system at the ticketing office to track and reprint lost or stolen football tickets for students.
Why – Without the system, students either must buy another ticket from the ticketing, another student, or not attend the game.

Outside the Boundary:
Who – Others that either doesn’t regularly attend games or at all and those that attend games through another ticketing process.
What – The need is not a system that replaces the current software of the ticketing office. It is not a whole new service provided by the ticketing office.
Alternate Explanations – The ticketing office is unable to control students that claim tickets, sell them, and have them reprinted at the ticketing office.


  1. Sean,

    I think that you hit the nail on the head. The majority of those who you interviewed for this assignment recognized that your need might exist, but they stated that it doesn't exist for them.

    Your prototypical customer is certainly students who regularly buy tickets and season ticket holders. Although many may not have this need, many still do have this need. Focus on the target group that you identified!

    Good work.

  2. Sean,
    It seems like your Boundary did not change much from last time. Maybe you can think more about who do not have the need of it to condense your customer target. What are those things people who never lost their ticket have in common? It is just a suggestion, I just found a common point of people who do not need my service in my post. If you still consist what you have after considering my advice. That will be awesome that you Boundary is pretty solid.

  3. Sean,
    You did a great job of examining other groups of individuals who may lay outside of your boundary. I agree that those individuals who do not lose their ticket often may not benefit from the new ticketing system. Also, those who will not have any interaction with the new ticketing system will not be benefitted by the new system. Great post and analysis!
