Friday, September 7, 2018

Bug List

  • When I go to the gym and there is a lot of people, it makes it hard to efficiently get my workout down without having to wait for equipment and spots to open for them.
    • Exists: The main gym on campus can get popular during the time that I go.
  • I despise it when I go to the gym and I’m wearing my wireless headphones for my music only for the battery to die about half-way through my workout, leaving me without my music for the latter half of it.
    • Exists: My headphone batteries die a lot fast than I wish they did.
  • When driving in general, it bugs me when people are sitting at red lights and the light turns green, but it takes them a long time to finally accelerating through the light and the light turns red before I can get through it.
    • Exists: Some people don’t pay attention to the light when they are waiting at it.
  • When I am at work and I am taking care of a sale, it bugs me when the sales software at the box office starts glitching and lagging during the process which slows down the process between us and the customer.
    • Exists: Sometimes software glitches out and lags which is expected.
  • When I am spending a long time with one customer when I am taking their ticket order at the box office because they are indecisive about their seating preference and question every suggestion.
    • Exists: Some people are indecisive when it comes to deciding where they want to sit.
  • It really bugs me when I am at one of my classes and I boot up my Apple computer for it to take the longest time in the world to boot up or lag when I am trying to log in and get ready to take notes for the class.
    • Exists: My Apple computer is older, so it doesn’t run as fast as time goes on.
  • When I go to get food at a restaurant like Moe’s, Chipotle, or Blaze and I get my order and they mess up the order by either missing on of my items or giving me the wrong item.
    • Exists: The restaurant either doesn’t see the order and or forget about it during busy hours.
  • When I am a supervisor at work and a customer gets irate with one of the tellers because we don’t have seats for a show and starts to get mad at them for selling the good seats.
    • Exists: Tickets sell fast for popular shows that attract a large audience.
  • When I boot up Netflix to watch a show or movie, the user interface makes it very difficult to navigate and find stuff that I am interested instead of what Netflix wants me to see.
    • Exists: Netflix wants you to watch more of the content they are producing to make money.
  • When I am playing video games with my friends and the game or network connection starts acting up while we are playing and ruins the whole experience for us during that game session.
    • Exists: The network runs into unknown issues sometimes that must be taken down to fix.
  • When I am expecting a package in the mail from Amazon or another website that I ordered from and the package gets delayed by a day or two because of unforeseen circumstances.
    • Exists: Mail can lose track of packages when delivering or they don’t get put out onto the trucks in time.
  • When Cox tries to bill you for equipment that you never even owned or purchased that is provided by the apartment complex you lived at and moved out of over a month ago.
    • Exists: Miscommunication between Cox and the apartment complex on where the equipment is.
  • When you are trying to call customer service for a company and they keep repeatedly putting you on hold or transferring you to different departments without every answering your question or problem.
    • Exists: It happens when companies outsource their customer service departments to different companies.
  • Car repairs that pop up and cost a lot of money.
    • Exists: Parts break down randomly due to wear and tear.
  • When I am walking around on campus and I get stuck behind people that walk at a slower pace than I do, and they are walking shoulder, preventing me from passing around them to get ahead of them.
    • Exists: People walk slower than I do and lack spatial awareness.
  • When people decide to ride their bikes on the sidewalk instead of the designated bike lane on the street that is next to the sidewalk.
    • Exists: Riders don’t like riding on the street that is close to the cars that potentially could hit them.
  • When I am using a pen that I haven’t used once, and it doesn’t want to write as if the ink has dried out inside of it.
    • Exists: Some pen companies sell low-quality pens that don’t write as good.
  • When the internet goes out while you are working on an assignment that requires access to the internet.
    • Exists: The internet can’t stay online all the time. Network issues tend to happen.
  • When people drive under the speed limit in the “fast lane” on the highway.
    • Exists: Some people don’t realize that the there is a “fast lane” on the highway.
  • UF football ticketing office has no way of tracking your tickets if you lose them.
    • Exists: The ticket office doesn’t scan the tickets when they give them to you.
            In my opinion, it is hard to sit down and come up with a list of everything that bothers you in everyday life. It was easy to come up with the first ten things that really bother me on, but as I started getting deeper into the list, it became much more difficult to figure out what really bugs me on a day-to-day basis. It’s much easier to figure out what bothers you when it happens in real-time, not recalling it later.


  1. Sean,

    I can certainly relate to a lot of your bugs. The gym being crowded is also one of my biggest "bugs." It's rather annoying when you are following a structured workout routine, and the piece of equipment you need is taken.

    Car repairs that pop up and cost a lot of money is another major bug of mine also. I hate having to spend hard-earned money on unexpected expenses.

    One of the three points of peer reviews is to write of how you can improve on assignments; however, I feel that you did very well on this assignment. There are a few small grammatical errors but nothing major at all.

    Great job on this assignment!

  2. Sean,
    I completely agree with many of the bugs you listed and I have experienced many of the same bugs myself. Your bug related to calling customer service and constantly being transferred to another department is a bug that I have experienced within the last two weeks. I also agree that unexpected expenses can really be a hassle to overcome. It really puts you in a bind when you think you have everything taken care of and then something unplanned occurs. Great analysis!

  3. Sean,
    I enjoyed reading through your list of bugs as many of them were relatable. This assignment was definitely one that took a long period of time as we were challenged to discover these bugs through our immediate experiences rather than our memory. You were able to follow these guidelines and develop twenty bugs that you faced throughout your day describing the cause of why they may be present.
    A lot of bugs that you presented seemed to fit the definition of an opportunity as discussed in class however, I would've loved to see you expand on the WHY portion of the bugs. You were successfully able to define why the bug occurred, but setting it up as a business problem that you intend to solve would've elevated your responses.
    Hopefully you were able to use this assignment to fit the shoes of an entrepreneur and get a gist of the problem identifying and solving aspect of the business industry.

  4. Sean,
    I agree with many of the bugs. Those bugs bugged me as well, I wish i had thought of those in my list. It seems like you really took the time and observe many things around you.
    The bug that did not bother is walking around campus, it did not bug me because the campus is very spacious.
    The bug that I completely agree is the slow driver on a highway.

  5. There are many bugs that you mentioned would bug me as well. Like the customer service one. I rarely call the customer service, but it also happen to me once. I also notice other people around me encounter this problem a lot. There are also many good ones that would not bother me, but I do feel they are pretty annoying problems for many people.
