Thursday, September 20, 2018

Solving the Problem

1. Referring to the earlier post about my hypothesis was formed from the Gator Student Ticket Office and their software lacking a feature to reprint lost or stolen football tickets for students after they have picked them up. The opportunity popped when I lost one of my tickets before a game this season and had to jump through a lot of hoops to get another ticket before the game. I have also interviewed other students in earlier posts that also recognize this unmet need even though some of them haven’t lost a ticket before. I recognize that the unmet need could offer a great opportunity for a software company that might decide to pitch their product to the ticketing office at the University of Florida.

2. The service that I am proposing is to before the employees at the ticketing office hand out the tickets to the students when they are picking them up, they scan the tickets and tie them to your ID card. The ticketing office does swipe your card to check their system to see if you have tickets or not. The software would essentially connect your ID card to the tickets that you have picked up so if you lose them or if they are stolen, you are able to go to the ticketing office to have them reprinted by them scanning your ID and pulling it up in the system. 


  1. Sean,

    I also commented on your "Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1" blog post. I am very curious to see if you will find a solution to preventing students from selling their tickets and then going to the ticket office to have them reprinted.

    Although this is very immoral and also illegal, that doesn't mean that it can't or wouldn't happen, and this very well could be a problem for both the student ticket office and for the individual purchasing the student's ticket.

    I'm hoping that you will go more into detail about this in a future blog post, and I hope that you will find a solution preventing this from happening!

  2. Sean,
    I think that this will be a great opportunity for the ticketing office and the potential software company once the system is implemented. There can definitely be an issue of people selling their tickets and then going get it reprinted to sell it again. You could possibly try to incorporate some type of security system into your solution that decreases the chances of this occurring. Great post and analysis!

  3. Sean,
    The opportunity of dealing with lost tickets is really awesome. The ticket is small and easy to lost. If we can put those ticket on a software, the tickets will never lose. It would be a cell phone app or just a website, since it is not very complicated. Later on people can also directly pouches a ticket on your software. You can extend it a lot.
