Friday, September 28, 2018

Elevator Pitch

Hey everyone!

Elevator Pitch

Here is my general elevator pitch for the class to watch. I've been pretty sick for the past week so that is why I sound congested and sort of monotoned in the video. However, I tried my best for it. I decided to upload through Youtube because Blogger was weird in uploading a video directly through the post editor.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

As a continuation of earlier posts about the opportunity available when it comes to the Gator Student Ticketing Office and the unmet need of students that have their tickets for football games lost or stolen, I decided to interview five more students about the situation.

Four of the five participants were students that don’t buy seasons tickets for the football season. Two of them mentioned that they usually buy unclaimed or leftover tickets from the ticketing office on Friday’s before a home game and usually buy them in a group of people. They mentioned that they usually store their tickets in a card slot on the back of their phone cases, so they aren’t prone to losing them before the game. They mentioned the system seems like a good idea, but it wouldn’t mean much to them as they haven’t ever lost a ticket in the past and usually keep them in secure places right after picking the ticket up from the office. One student said that he usually buys tickets that were already claimed by students but are trying to sell them online through Facebook groups or private messaging. He said that the new software wouldn’t affect him because the ticket never originally belonged to him so they wouldn’t be able to track it down and reprint it for him. The fourth student I decided to interview doesn’t regularly attend football games and she didn’t see that she had an unmet need for the system at the ticketing office.

The last student I interviewed said that her parents are graduates from the University of Florida and season ticket holders for the football games, so she usually sits with them at home and away games instead of sitting in the student section. She has bought tickets through the ticketing office and sat in the student section before for football games but finds the alumni seating in the stadium a much more enjoyable experience for the game. She said that this system wouldn’t really mean much to her as she rarely interacts with the student ticketing office.

I think when it comes to this opportunity for the Gator Student Ticketing Office, I think it is limited to regular buyers and season ticket holders of football tickets among students. This system isn’t really offering a product or service but adding a feature to an already existing service that is meant to solve the unmet need that a lot of students might be facing during the football season.

Inside the Boundary:
Who – Students that regularly buy tickets or season ticket holders
What – The need for a system at the ticketing office to track and reprint lost or stolen football tickets for students.
Why – Without the system, students either must buy another ticket from the ticketing, another student, or not attend the game.

Outside the Boundary:
Who – Others that either doesn’t regularly attend games or at all and those that attend games through another ticketing process.
What – The need is not a system that replaces the current software of the ticketing office. It is not a whole new service provided by the ticketing office.
Alternate Explanations – The ticketing office is unable to control students that claim tickets, sell them, and have them reprinted at the ticketing office.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Solving the Problem

1. Referring to the earlier post about my hypothesis was formed from the Gator Student Ticket Office and their software lacking a feature to reprint lost or stolen football tickets for students after they have picked them up. The opportunity popped when I lost one of my tickets before a game this season and had to jump through a lot of hoops to get another ticket before the game. I have also interviewed other students in earlier posts that also recognize this unmet need even though some of them haven’t lost a ticket before. I recognize that the unmet need could offer a great opportunity for a software company that might decide to pitch their product to the ticketing office at the University of Florida.

2. The service that I am proposing is to before the employees at the ticketing office hand out the tickets to the students when they are picking them up, they scan the tickets and tie them to your ID card. The ticketing office does swipe your card to check their system to see if you have tickets or not. The software would essentially connect your ID card to the tickets that you have picked up so if you lose them or if they are stolen, you are able to go to the ticketing office to have them reprinted by them scanning your ID and pulling it up in the system. 

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1. The Gator Student Ticket Office doesn’t have software that can track lost or stolen football tickets after being picked up.

2. Students that have had their tickets lost or stolen have no way to get them reprinted by the Gator Student Ticket Office without repurchasing a ticket through the office or another person on campus. The ticket office doesn’t have the software in place for them to scan the tickets before handing them out to students, essentially tying the tickets to the student’s University of Florida ID card. 

3. In the past assignment, Forming an Opportunity Belief, I interviewed three students that had recognized the unmet need that I presented to them during the interviews. Hannah, Chad, and Chris all recognized the unmet need when presented to them even though not all of them have a lost a ticket. However, I felt like I needed more so I decided to interview five different students on campus that also have this unmet need to push it to the boundary.

4. The five students that I interviewed were all students from the University of Florida. Four of the people that I interviewed were students that I work with at the Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. The last person I interviewed was a student in one of my classes on campus that I’ve known for a few semesters that has worked at the Gator Student Ticket Office. 

After conducting the interviews and reviewing the information, I found out more about my hypothesis and the boundaries that it faced.

The participants felt negatively towards the ticket office for not having a system in place for them to be able to reprint lost or stolen football tickets. Although only two out of the five participants have dealt with the issue of losing a ticket after picking them up, they mentioned that if they were to lose a ticket, they would like a better solution than just having to buy another ticket to replace the lost or stolen one. The people who haven’t lost a ticket in the past mentioned that the issue only affects people who lose their football tickets, but it could ultimately apply to anyone if they were to lose their ticket(s). 

During the interview, I proposed a solution where the ticket office introduces a feature to their software where they scan the tickets before handing them out to students to tie the tickets to your ID card. The participants felt positive towards to the feature, but two of the participants, including the one that worked in the ticket office, felt that the software could cause issues like retraining staff, the cost of implementing the software, or bugs that could arise during operation.

One of the participants also brought up the issue of selling tickets after picking them up. The participant said that they have done this before and wondered if the software would present an issue of people selling their tickets and claiming they were lost or stolen to the ticket office and just have them reprinted, canceling out the older tickets.

5. All the participants from the interviews felt that the software would be a good addition to the ticketing office when it comes to finding lost or stolen tickets for football games. The software company that provides their services to the ticketing office have the opportunity to solve an issue many students might be facing every home game. I think with more interviews with various students around campus, it might show more information that could be beneficial to the potential opportunity. 

After interviewing the three people before plus the five for this interview, I believe the opportunity still exists for the student ticket office to look into implementing in their software to recover lost or stolen tickets, but they would need to carry out some system that can prevent people who have sold their claimed tickets trying to get them reprinted after selling them.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trends

1. The Rise of Twitch Streaming and e-Sports

A recently growing economic trend in the world is the rise of Twitch streaming and e-sports as a form of entertainment on the internet.

I found this trend as I'm an avid viewer of streamers on Twitch and I have seen it grow the past few years. Also, I found an article from that illustrates the growth of it since it started.

With this information, I believe there is an opportunity to take advantage of is that the gaming industry saw an 18% increase in revenue from 2017 to 2018 alone. Video games have become more of a norm compared to the past few decades since they have existed. There are video games that cater to a lot of different audiences. Not only has the gaming industry seen a huge increase in investment, but the e-sports scene jumped from $500M to $700M in capital investment from 2016 to 2017. With Twitch streaming, people are able to watch their favorite streamers like Ninja, Shroud, and DrDisRespect from anywhere they can access Twitch's website. As they are watching their favorite streamers, viewers are exposed to the games the streamers are playing, the content they are providing, and the advertisements they are showing. Twitch's platform allows people to stream content to viewers and supports them directly for what they are doing.

The prototypical customer can vary greatly as Twitch caters to different target audiences all on one platform. There are channels for gamers to watch their favorite icons, channels for e-Sport fans, channels for cooking, and channels for IRL (in real life) streaming. 

The opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because access to Twitch is free. Anybody can set up an account to start streaming and gaining viewers to watch the content they are providing. The difficult part of it is figuring out the type of content you are going to provide and if the viewers will enjoy it.

When it comes to why I have seen this opportunity is that I have tried streaming before and I have experienced the slow growth of gaining viewers and followers to my channel. It shows that every streamer on Twitch will gain a viewer that is interested in the type of content they are providing to the viewers.

2. The Migration from Network Television to Streaming Services

Another obvious economic opportunity is the migration of companies aiming for streaming services instead of traditional television networks.

I found it as I am a Netflix user which is a popular streaming service, but I found it looking up network television and the migration from it to streaming services and found an article from where they expand on a study done by Convergence Consulting Group back in 2016.

I believe this opportunity exists is that people are wanting to access the content they are looking for quickly and conveniently instead having to sift through channels and advertisements just to watch it. Not only is the convenience a huge factor that attracts people towards streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video but the cost is also a factor as well because the cost of a subscription to services like this is significantly cheaper than what it costs to have cable television in their homes. It's a great opportunity for already established television networks to develop new streaming services or buy into existing ones so viewers can consume their content.

The prototypical customer is the already established subscribers to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. It can also help tip the iceberg when it comes to people that still have cable television, but are leaning towards cutting the cord to cable television and subscribing to streaming services.

I think this opportunity will be relatively easy to exploit for already established networks that are looking into migrating their content to streaming services, but extremely hard for newcomers to the market because there is already established titans of the industry.

I think why I see this opportunity is that already of television networks are starting to look into this business idea since Netflix has seen such great success with streaming content on-demand and with the development of their own content being successful.

Regulatory Trends

1. Renewable Energy

When it comes to regulatory trends in the world, I believe the biggest one that stands out to me is the process of countries starting to transfer their main energy sources to renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are a hot topic right now because of the increasing concern for the welfare of Earth and the damage that has been done through the use of oil, coal, and other non-renewable resources.

I found the information from reading hundred's of articles on the forum "Reddit" and have been to countries like Germany where they have a huge focus on renewable resources like wind turbines and solar farms.

I feel like this is a good opportunity because a lot of countries around the world are starting to invest into the renewable energy industry and are actively lowering the carbon footprint that they are leaving on the world. Not only that, but there is a growing job market for the renewable energy industry while the coal industry is slowly dying since renewable is growing. Unlike the past few decades, renewable energy, conservation, and lowering their overall carbon footprint, it has become important to people to try to be as efficient as they possibly can and they are looking at politicians and companies that are dedicated to this effort. You can see that people are starting to invest in electric vehicles now and recycling has become a norm in society these days. Some are also investing in solar panels for their homes to lower their electric bills.

I believe the prototypical customer for this regulatory change is anyone that is interested in the renewable energy industry. I think the biggest players in the industry are companies that provide these services like solar panels, wind turbines and much more. Not only is it the companies, but the countries that invest in them to help transfer the country to sustainability.

I think it is relatively hard to exploit because it is still an expensive process to transfer completely to renewable energy resources while oil and coal are still relatively cheap. However, once the ball starts rolling, I think the process becomes much easier to maintain and establish.

I think 'why' I see this opportunity is that I think it is important to transfer from the energy sources that negatively affect the world like coal and oil to renewable sources because it will lead to problems for the generations that will come after us in this world.

2. Privacy of Data

I think another huge regulatory trend that is a major opportunity in today's society is the topic of privacy of people's data and how important it has become to people in who or what has access to their data on their devices.

Data privacy has been a hot topic on the internet the past couples and there has been an increase in people starting to invest into services that try to mask or hide their identity online and trying to keep companies from gathering data about them and who they are. Also, I found the opportunity through personal experience as I use a VPN (virtual private network) when I am browsing on my computer that masks my IP address as another in the world.

I think it is a big opportunity for companies that are trying to work into the industry of keeping peoples data safe from prying eyes that might want to use it for reasons that the users might not approve of. Privacy is an important aspect of a person's life and they don't their private matters jumping into the hands of someone that might aim to abuse that information for personal gain. I have also started seeing a lot more users become aware of data privacy and are taking active steps like using a VPN to mask the 'steps' they are taking when they are browsing the internet.

The prototypical customer for this would be users that spend a lot of time online that are wary of their data being spread around the network for others to abuse.

I think the opportunity is relatively hard to exploit because companies will need to have established backgrounds to be trusted by consumers around the world to use their software for private security. It is going to be hard for new entries into the market to gain a significant market share as people will be wary of who they are.

As for 'why' I saw this opportunity is my experience with researching to see how much of our personal data is actually available on the internet. It is very easy to figure out where someone is living out with a few simple Google searches and how people can track you easily using just your IP address.

Identifying Local Opportunities

1. Shortage of psychiatrists: 'It's getting worse'; by Alexia Alejalde-Ruiz|A532556691/62c0c6928055a36a4bc77474b21eb3d8?u=gain40375

Mila Grossman is a medical student that encounters a new mom with postpartum depression which leads Grossman to pursue a career in psychiatry. The article talks about the massive shortage of psychiatrists, especially in rural and poorer urban areas, with the increase in patients that are seeking these doctors for care. Hospitals and clinics in low-income areas struggle to afford to hire psychiatrists as most of them prefer to work in areas that offer higher pay or research centers that can afford to pay them.

There is a shortage of psychiatrists that can't cater to the increasing demand of people seeking out mental health care due to awareness, diminished stigma, and a worsening opioid crisis.

The 'who' of this problem is the hospitals and clinics in rural and low-income areas and the patients that live in these areas that are seeking medical treatment from psychiatrists.

2.  Children should not be in adult prisons|A532404466/25ffffaaf096d39e73a82af80cfc592c?u=gain40375

The article talks about the 'institutionalizing' of children in the juvenile corrections system that commit a crime at a young age that creates a snowball effect once they are processed. The facilities they are put in are inhumane and encouraged by correctional officers to commit violent acts while inside the facilities. It is worse when the children are directly filed in adult prisons after committing a crime as they aren't fit for dealing with children inside the facility. These kids are destined to fail as the programs provided insufficient for the adults and it is even worse for the children that are put through the system. The article states that the children need to be taken care of so they can become contributing members to society instead of being set up to fail for the rest of their lives.

Children shouldn't be directly filed to adult prisons by the justice system where they are destined to fail due to the lack of preparation dealing with children in the system.

The children suffer from the problem tremendously because they will only see a life of being institutionalized like zoo animals. Families are also the 'who' has the problem because they will have to deal with how the justice system destroys the lives of their children.

3. Body cameras tell truth, right? By Andrew Pantazi|A532088955/1e07bcdd0c1a0f4d59d0954e38da894f?u=gain40375

The story talks about the controversy of the police using body cameras because the footage can be misleading to the public eye, possibly leading to wrongful convictions. The story says that body cam footage can be distorted during the event and that one angle can show a different story from what the body cam shows. It mentions not to blindly trust body cams because, it some cases, it can help find out the truth, but some cases will be unaffected by the body cam footage. The important aspect of using body cams is that educating the public on them will help solve some of the issues they face.

The usage of body cams could be misleading when it comes to convicting people in the court of law because the angle of the footage can intensify the situation that took place or not fully show the truth of the situation. The blind trust of body cams could negatively affect the justice system.

The police and the public are the 'who' has the problem because both sides could be on the negative side effects of the use of body cams in the justice system.

4. Student worries about staying in the US; By Wayne Crenshaw|A532288052/3b1e329ca660fe1825327bad1a31a3f7?u=gain40375

The story is about Uche Onungwa and the other hundreds of thousands of children that are living in the United States illegally by their parents that are now part of the DACA program. The Obama administration introduced the DACA program into law during his years, but now that the program is in jeopardy as the Trump administration is threatening to end the program. Recipients of the DACA program are now in fear are being deported after having lived and worked in the United States for the majority of their lives.

Recipients of the DACA program are now in fear of being deported if the Trump administration goes ahead with getting rid of the program that was introduced to protect the children that were brought here illegally.

The recipients of the DACA program and their families that brought them to the United States to have a better future for them. People that support the program face the issue of losing their jobs that work directly with or for the program.

5. Florida is among worst on housing|A531604800/d35ace399ed5e04a8e4786b110eb7b25?u=gain40375

The story talks about how the housing crisis is a huge issue in the United States as people that are living close to the poverty line spend around of each paycheck for housing. Florida is one of the worst states for housing with Nevada being the worst across the country. The difference between income and housing costs is the biggest issue that people are facing when it comes to affording somewhere to live. The housing crisis has long-lasting effects that will plague the nation for a long time if nothing is done about it. There have been funds aimed at improving the housing crisis by providing incentives to people that are dealing with this issue.

The problem presented is the housing crisis that is plaguing the state of Florida and many other states across the country where people that can't afford housing with how much they are earning from their jobs.

The 'who' is the low-income individuals and families that are having trouble figuring out how to afford housing.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Forming an Opportunity Belief: A Twist on Opportunity Identification

Opportunity Belief: The Gator Student Ticket Office doesn’t have a system where they can track your tickets your football tickets in case they are lost or stolen. You must buy a new ticket or remember exactly where you were sitting for them to do reprint your ticket.

Belief Description: The unmet need that I have found for this opportunity is the need for updated software and procedures for the Student Ticket Office when they are handing out tickets for football during the week of home games. Students that pay for season tickets, buy single-game tickets, or guest tickets for friends and family that don’t attend UF are the main proponents of this need since they are the people that deal with the Student Ticket Office. The need for new software that can track tickets has been in place for a while now. It was only that when I lost one of my tickets that I recognized the issue. The only thing students can do about meeting this need is to purchase another ticket for the game, either from the office or from another student. The other remedy is to hope to find their lost or stolen ticket somewhere on campus.

Prototypical Customers: Students that purchase season or single-game tickets and guests are the customers that have this unmet need.
Chris (a student who buys single-game tickets)
Hannah (student with season tickets)
Chad (a student that has bought guest tickets in the past)

Interviews: Chris, Hannah, and Chad
For the first person, I spoke with Chris, a student that regularly purchases single-game tickets from either the Student Ticket Office or from other students selling their tickets online. He mentioned that he has lost tickets in the past while walking around on campus and has spoken to the ticket office only to find out that they can’t reprint lost tickets. He explained that the unmet need doesn’t happen very often, but it is a headache when it does happen because there is nothing that he can do about getting a new ticket besides buying one. He mentioned that he has worked at a ticketing office in the past and that they should have a system where they scan the tickets before handing to them, tying them to your UF ID. Chris spoke about how dissatisfied he was with the solutions the Student Ticket Office gave him because he felt that they should have a system like this in place for the number of students they serve yearly during football games.

I interviewed Hannah next who have bought season tickets for the past two seasons of football games. She mentioned she only has lost one of her tickets, but her friends have lost their tickets in the past because they pick them up in a group. She and her friends have run into the issue a few times and have tried to figure out what the Student Ticket Office can do. She has found it aggravating that the ticket office can’t do anything about it despite the number of people they serve every home game during the season. However, she did mention that the ticket office told them that they pre-print their tickets before handing them out. She said that their system only tracks that you have tickets for the game, but the seats aren’t assigned until you have the tickets in-hand. Hannah said she understands how the system works, but she wished they scanned them to your account or ID before handing them to you.

The final person I spoke to was Chad, a student that doesn’t regularly buy tickets to the game but has bought student and guest tickets for a few games last year. He hasn’t personally lost one of his tickets, but he had a friend lose their ticket for a game and went through the process a lot of other people have gone through with the ticket office. He mentioned that he feels it isn’t right for the university to charge for the tickets, student or guest, to not have a system in place to track them in case they are lost or stolen. He said that it is probably a common issue among students with football tickets with how much they deal with daily. She thinks that the solution for the issue is to buy a new ticket is ridiculous because the new ticket will be put in a new seat, probably not close to the original seats.

After interviewing the three students, the opportunity is still there for an entrepreneur that might be interested in offering software that could resolve the issue at hand. I found that the students that I interviewed really wish there was a better solution than just buying another ticket which they didn’t feel like it was a solution. They felt that it was just more of a bypass to the issue than solving the solution for students that lose their tickets.

I believe the opportunity is still there for an entrepreneur to offer a new software for the ticket office to integrate so they can keep track of student tickets and be able to reprint if they are lost. I believe the opportunity is a lot more accurate after interviewing the students about the current system and how it affects them. It allows for the opportunity to properly solve the issue at hand that could benefit both the students and the ticket office. I think the trade-off that could be presented with integrating new software is that ticket handling time could take longer now that they would be scanning tickets onto your account before handing them out, slowing down the queue for picking up tickets.

My Entrepreneurship Story

Back in the Spring of 2017, I attended the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens where they were holding their Spring Garden Festival. The festival invites vendors to come and show off their businesses or product they are planning on releasing in the future. The interesting aspect of the festival is the vendors have a background with their products focused on being environmentally friendly which is a very important aspect to people. The vendors show their products to people that are attending the festival and can speak one-on-one with customers about their products and what their company stands for. While I was there, I spoke with Debra and Bill Logeson of Beer Mutts where they use spent grain from their son's brewing company, Green Room Brewing, to make dog treats. The background of their business was very interesting as both Bill and Debra were retired that asked their son what they could do with the spent grain. They said they started making the treats in the kitchen and eventually started selling them after getting a lot of praise from friends and family. I bought a bag for my dogs back home in Jacksonville and they loved them. It was a cool story on how Debra and Bill started their business.

I enrolled in Principles of Entrepreneurship because I am interested in starting my own business after college. I'm really into video games, especially the concept of arcades and how their recent decline due to gaming consoles becoming the norm. I was looking into the idea of a virtual reality arcade since virtual reality is still a relatively new concept to the world. I believe it could be a great way to bring back arcades because virtual reality still hasn't hit the price where it is feasible for the general consumer. Along with that, not a lot of people have experienced a virtual reality headset which I believe it could be a great way for people to come and enjoy the experience with friends and family. What I hope to get out of this class is how to become an effective entrepreneur when it comes to running a business. Not only that, as I am an advertising major, the class could also help me develop skills that I could use if I start doing freelance work for companies or individuals in the industry.

Here is a picture of Bill and Debra Logeson in Jacksonville that I pulled from an article at the Ponta Vedra Recorder. Link to Article

Bug List

  • When I go to the gym and there is a lot of people, it makes it hard to efficiently get my workout down without having to wait for equipment and spots to open for them.
    • Exists: The main gym on campus can get popular during the time that I go.
  • I despise it when I go to the gym and I’m wearing my wireless headphones for my music only for the battery to die about half-way through my workout, leaving me without my music for the latter half of it.
    • Exists: My headphone batteries die a lot fast than I wish they did.
  • When driving in general, it bugs me when people are sitting at red lights and the light turns green, but it takes them a long time to finally accelerating through the light and the light turns red before I can get through it.
    • Exists: Some people don’t pay attention to the light when they are waiting at it.
  • When I am at work and I am taking care of a sale, it bugs me when the sales software at the box office starts glitching and lagging during the process which slows down the process between us and the customer.
    • Exists: Sometimes software glitches out and lags which is expected.
  • When I am spending a long time with one customer when I am taking their ticket order at the box office because they are indecisive about their seating preference and question every suggestion.
    • Exists: Some people are indecisive when it comes to deciding where they want to sit.
  • It really bugs me when I am at one of my classes and I boot up my Apple computer for it to take the longest time in the world to boot up or lag when I am trying to log in and get ready to take notes for the class.
    • Exists: My Apple computer is older, so it doesn’t run as fast as time goes on.
  • When I go to get food at a restaurant like Moe’s, Chipotle, or Blaze and I get my order and they mess up the order by either missing on of my items or giving me the wrong item.
    • Exists: The restaurant either doesn’t see the order and or forget about it during busy hours.
  • When I am a supervisor at work and a customer gets irate with one of the tellers because we don’t have seats for a show and starts to get mad at them for selling the good seats.
    • Exists: Tickets sell fast for popular shows that attract a large audience.
  • When I boot up Netflix to watch a show or movie, the user interface makes it very difficult to navigate and find stuff that I am interested instead of what Netflix wants me to see.
    • Exists: Netflix wants you to watch more of the content they are producing to make money.
  • When I am playing video games with my friends and the game or network connection starts acting up while we are playing and ruins the whole experience for us during that game session.
    • Exists: The network runs into unknown issues sometimes that must be taken down to fix.
  • When I am expecting a package in the mail from Amazon or another website that I ordered from and the package gets delayed by a day or two because of unforeseen circumstances.
    • Exists: Mail can lose track of packages when delivering or they don’t get put out onto the trucks in time.
  • When Cox tries to bill you for equipment that you never even owned or purchased that is provided by the apartment complex you lived at and moved out of over a month ago.
    • Exists: Miscommunication between Cox and the apartment complex on where the equipment is.
  • When you are trying to call customer service for a company and they keep repeatedly putting you on hold or transferring you to different departments without every answering your question or problem.
    • Exists: It happens when companies outsource their customer service departments to different companies.
  • Car repairs that pop up and cost a lot of money.
    • Exists: Parts break down randomly due to wear and tear.
  • When I am walking around on campus and I get stuck behind people that walk at a slower pace than I do, and they are walking shoulder, preventing me from passing around them to get ahead of them.
    • Exists: People walk slower than I do and lack spatial awareness.
  • When people decide to ride their bikes on the sidewalk instead of the designated bike lane on the street that is next to the sidewalk.
    • Exists: Riders don’t like riding on the street that is close to the cars that potentially could hit them.
  • When I am using a pen that I haven’t used once, and it doesn’t want to write as if the ink has dried out inside of it.
    • Exists: Some pen companies sell low-quality pens that don’t write as good.
  • When the internet goes out while you are working on an assignment that requires access to the internet.
    • Exists: The internet can’t stay online all the time. Network issues tend to happen.
  • When people drive under the speed limit in the “fast lane” on the highway.
    • Exists: Some people don’t realize that the there is a “fast lane” on the highway.
  • UF football ticketing office has no way of tracking your tickets if you lose them.
    • Exists: The ticket office doesn’t scan the tickets when they give them to you.
            In my opinion, it is hard to sit down and come up with a list of everything that bothers you in everyday life. It was easy to come up with the first ten things that really bother me on, but as I started getting deeper into the list, it became much more difficult to figure out what really bugs me on a day-to-day basis. It’s much easier to figure out what bothers you when it happens in real-time, not recalling it later.