Friday, November 30, 2018

Your Exit Strategy

  1. I believe the proper exit strategy for me would be stepping down as the CEO of the company that is running my venture and serving as a consultant for them. As the venture in question aims to provide the Gator Student Ticketing Office with the right software so that they will be able to reprint lost student tickets through their UF identification cards, it would be important to me to continue working for the company and continue to be involved with it in the long run. However, I think at a certain point that I should step down and let new blood to come in and take the reins from to see if they will be able to continue to expand the company more.
  2. As I stated above, at a certain point in the life cycle for the company, new blood needs to come in and take control of the company to drive it past where it stalemates at. However, I would like to remain as a consultant for the company to continually help them drive forward and guide them in certain situations that I could have expertise and knowledge in.
  3. I believe it has influenced the growth decisions for the business because, with the venture, we are just aiming to remain local to the Gator Student Ticketing Office. However, we plan to expand across the state to other universities and so on until we can hit it nationally. I think at the point that we hit across the state of Florida and the outlying regions, I would want to take a step back from the CEO role and choose to become a consultant and potentially chase other ventures in the free time. After that would be left for the new blood to come in and decide whether the plans to move nationally we’ll be worth the cost and manpower.

1 comment:

  1. Sean,
    I think that it would be a great idea for you to step down, but still be involved with the services of your product. It may be essential for you to stay involved to ensure that the system is running efficiently and effectively. Your expertise and knowledge could help guide the younger staff members when they come across a situation in which they may not know the answer. Also, expanding your product across various regions can be extremely beneficial for the continued success of your product. Great post!
