Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Final Reflection

1. Read through all of my previous posts.

2. I think the most formative experience for me throughout this semester for this class was doing the reading reflection assignments. I think it really helped me form the mentality of what an entrepreneur stands for in the world and how they can come from different backgrounds and take on different ventures that ultimately allow them to succeed. I enjoy reading in general and the books that I chose for my reading were very influential because they can be applied to a lot of different situations besides entrepreneurship.

I think my most joyous experience was performing the elevator pitches for the class. I've never been someone that likes to be in front of the camera and speak, but the way I had to craft my elevator pitches around myself and around my venture made it extremely fun to do. I was working on what words sound best and how it would flow and various other little things that make an elevator pitch extremely effective in the professional world.

3.  I think I have moved closer to developing the entrepreneurial mindset. I don't think I see myself as one yet, but I'm starting to develop the mindset of looking at opportunities in the real world and how I could potentially take advantage of them with my skillset. I think becoming an entrepreneur takes years and years of development before you can consider yourself one, but I believe I am on the right path.

4. I would say one recommendation for this class would be to really look back at the feedback you get from your peers for this class. It was extremely beneficial for me because it made me think about certain things that I wasn't thinking about during the process and how I could make changes to this idea or that idea. I would also say to really take this class seriously because it will help you create that entrepreneurial mindset for yourself that you can use in your future endeavors.

 Image result for fear quote

1 comment:

  1. Sean,
    I agree that the reading assignments presented us with unique ways of thinking and provided us with tips to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Also, the elevator pitches was a unique experience for me as well. This was my first time doing something of that nature, so it was definitely a learning experience for me. It's been very enjoyable to interact with you throughout this semester! Good luck!
